Monday, October 24, 2011

"Taking the Leap" by Lang: Ch. 1

The world needs its artists, whether it knows it or not (Introduction p.xx).

Choosing to be an artist as a means for living and career is a wonderful choice, but difficult at the same time.  Artists struggle day to day, unless offered an amazing job opportunity. To choose this type of career, one must know all the difficulties and wiegh their options.  I got this realization late, but it's better now than never.  This is what I learned:

  Yes you are talented and make pretty artworks, but that doesn't mean you are an artist.  An artist needs three things-curiosity, good work habits, and commitment.  An artist must be always thinking of their next project, the concept behind it, the thing that will make it unique and different, etc. 

You must ask yourself: Is this a hobby or a lifestyle for myself? Anyone can make art, even individuals with a full time business job, but you must decide if making art to sale is your true means to making a living. 

Are you thinking about making art during the day?....if you are, it's one of many true evidences that you are meant to be an artist.  Did you answer yes? If so:

Authencity is the key! You must be passionate about something, not just going outside think somehting is 'cool' and decide to make 'cool' stuff.  You need a idea and honest concept for your audience. 
Keeping an artist journal/blog is important.  You should write down ideas you think of regardless if you think it is a silly one--you will generate ideas over time.
It is very IMPORTANT to have your OWN body of work outside of school or a job because you need to have something to show if you want to present ideas to onlookers/potential buyers.  Having your own body of work helps you also grow as an artist.  The more experience you have with making art, researching other artworks/artists will give you a better chance to climb the 'Art World Ladder of Success' (p.7) The ladder begins with your home (being the lowest step) to World-Class museums ( being the highest step). 

This is not to discourage anyone who desires to be an artist, but it shows the reality of it.  It is smart to be knowledgeable about any new venture and life choice, got to know the highs and lows to be well-prepared for the road.

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