Monday, October 24, 2011

Current Outside Work

Since I took the college class, Art in Public Places, I have been interested in all public art.  I have been especially interested in wall installation art, since I and the entire class were comissioned to create a proposal for a wall installation at one of the locations at our university.  This type of art work was completely out of my comfort zone, but once I created a model and proposal of my work and got great feedback on it, I have developed a love for it.  I have an idea to use my art concept (from arist's statement) and create a wall installation using task board.  Taskboard is a 100% made of sustainable-forestry wood.  It is completely biodegradable.  Taskboard is formed with water and cut by either blade or laser (laser for more intricate details).  I was suggested this material by my professor, and did a bit more research on it.  I have not yet experimented with it yet, but I do hope to use it because of the fact it is biodegradable, just as plant matter.

Here is a sculpture created with taskboard

And here is a video of instructional detail how to use taskboard

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