Monday, October 24, 2011

Current Outside Work

Since I took the college class, Art in Public Places, I have been interested in all public art.  I have been especially interested in wall installation art, since I and the entire class were comissioned to create a proposal for a wall installation at one of the locations at our university.  This type of art work was completely out of my comfort zone, but once I created a model and proposal of my work and got great feedback on it, I have developed a love for it.  I have an idea to use my art concept (from arist's statement) and create a wall installation using task board.  Taskboard is a 100% made of sustainable-forestry wood.  It is completely biodegradable.  Taskboard is formed with water and cut by either blade or laser (laser for more intricate details).  I was suggested this material by my professor, and did a bit more research on it.  I have not yet experimented with it yet, but I do hope to use it because of the fact it is biodegradable, just as plant matter.

Here is a sculpture created with taskboard

And here is a video of instructional detail how to use taskboard

5 Year Plan

In the next five years, I hope to have completed graduate school, preferably here at the University of Texas at Austin.  I hope to be teaching middle school art and working towards becoming a college professor.  I hope to have been in small gallery showings, my goal of course would be larger exhibits.  I hope to for sure to have sold many of my works.

I have had an interest in art restoration,which I have been thinking about pursuing if my career in teaching does not seem to be my desure in life anymore.  I have been looking into art restoration programs and schools where I could learn more about it, but then again this is a recent (since summer 2011) new venture.

David Garibaldi

David Garibaldi is a performing artist who seems to be throwing paint on a canvas making you question his work.  But through his motions and throwing of painting he creates interesting works of art UPSIDE DOWN! Once he  flips it over, the work and image appears.  I find his work fun, but almost too repeated where it seems that it doesn't take much to master his work.  What attracted me to him was his different approach to art and the energy he excerts during the creation of his work.  As an artist, I am trying to achieve just that, I want to grow from my little bubble of comfort and experiment with new techniques and mediums.  I want to also have the same enthusiam that I see from watching this video.

Artist's Bio and Statement ( in the works)

Artist’s Bio
      Paige Reynolds attends Saint Edward’s University in Austin, Texas.  Paige will be graduating in December of 2011 receiving her Bachelor of Art Education EC-12 Degree.  During her time at Saint Edward’s University, Paige has participated in school art functions, such as exhibiting her work in the 2011 Senior Art Show, Stain Resistant.  She continues to be involved in the art community at her school.   She was born in Dallas, Texas, but has lived in Lubbock, Dallas, Tyler, and most recently Austin, Texas.  Paige is not a stranger to change.  Each city brought new opportunities and experiences for her, which made her to be the outgoing and passionate person she is today.  Her love for art began at a very young age through the influence of her grandmother, whom she calls Dede.  Dede inspired Paige to want to be an artist, who still holds dear to her heart and inspiration today.  Paige’s work focus is mainly with painting both in watercolor and acrylic, but as a future art educator, she tries to work with all medium.

Artist’s Statement

  “I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty”
- Georgia O’Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe’s statement is effectively executed, flowers are meant to be admired and enjoyed.  I reference this quote because it conveys the concept I want my audience to receive through my work. The artwork I make comes from my love of the beauty of my surrounding environment, which I describe as God’s canvas.  I am constantly inspired and fascinated by the seasonal blooms of flowers.  The look of every flower varies immensely. Flowers are complex organisms, made up of several colors, shapes, and sizes.  Just as a flower’s beauty and smell attract insects, the beauty of a flower attracts my eye and motivates my desire to capture its essence in a painting or drawing.  I enjoy capturing the evolving colors, the various unique shapes, and the several sizes that gives each flower a powerful statement of beauty.

Side note: I want to incorporate the medium I use, but how do I pick just one when I like to experiment with all.  I do that not only because I want to be a well-rounded/knowledgeable teacher but also because with each medium conveys and brings about a new feeling and experience about my work to my audience.

"Taking the Leap" by Lang: Ch. 1

The world needs its artists, whether it knows it or not (Introduction p.xx).

Choosing to be an artist as a means for living and career is a wonderful choice, but difficult at the same time.  Artists struggle day to day, unless offered an amazing job opportunity. To choose this type of career, one must know all the difficulties and wiegh their options.  I got this realization late, but it's better now than never.  This is what I learned:

  Yes you are talented and make pretty artworks, but that doesn't mean you are an artist.  An artist needs three things-curiosity, good work habits, and commitment.  An artist must be always thinking of their next project, the concept behind it, the thing that will make it unique and different, etc. 

You must ask yourself: Is this a hobby or a lifestyle for myself? Anyone can make art, even individuals with a full time business job, but you must decide if making art to sale is your true means to making a living. 

Are you thinking about making art during the day?....if you are, it's one of many true evidences that you are meant to be an artist.  Did you answer yes? If so:

Authencity is the key! You must be passionate about something, not just going outside think somehting is 'cool' and decide to make 'cool' stuff.  You need a idea and honest concept for your audience. 
Keeping an artist journal/blog is important.  You should write down ideas you think of regardless if you think it is a silly one--you will generate ideas over time.
It is very IMPORTANT to have your OWN body of work outside of school or a job because you need to have something to show if you want to present ideas to onlookers/potential buyers.  Having your own body of work helps you also grow as an artist.  The more experience you have with making art, researching other artworks/artists will give you a better chance to climb the 'Art World Ladder of Success' (p.7) The ladder begins with your home (being the lowest step) to World-Class museums ( being the highest step). 

This is not to discourage anyone who desires to be an artist, but it shows the reality of it.  It is smart to be knowledgeable about any new venture and life choice, got to know the highs and lows to be well-prepared for the road.